Whether you have a kindergartner or a senior, at some point you or your child will need to go online, either to research a school project or to get extra help in a specific subject. The question then becomes, where do you head?
The very first place I (and my kids) go is to the associated teacher’s blog. I currently have children in Murdock Elementary School and Dodgen Middle School, and I completely love the teachers at both school!!! On top of being knowledgeable and friendly, these teachers maintain wonderful lists on their blogs of website pertinent to either the grade or the class. From math facts to typing to social studies and science, I find interesting links to everything.
If I need to look further, I admit that I use my Google fu to search the Internet. I spent and continue to spend time with my children online, teaching them how to search Google for information. By the way, the basic secret for searching on Google is to type in your question exactly like you would ask a librarian. Google automatically throws out simple words, such as “the”, and generally performs the search you want.
For those who want to set up bookmarks on your home computer to quality educational sites, I have a few suggestions for you:
My Homework Hotline: Sponsored by Public Broadcasting Atlanta’s E-learning Cyber Center and the Atlanta Public Schools, My Homework Hotline offers students real people answering phone calls and online help requests. Georgia Tech even provides the math tutors.
Phone Number: 678-553-3029
Available Monday through Thursday on normal school days
Grades K-5 can get help from 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Grades 6-12 can get help from 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Khan Academy: From developmental math (e.g. what is a whole number) to calculus, the Khan Academy covers every math subject from kindergarten to twelfth grade. If your child doesn’t quite understand a math lesson, pull up this website and watch the video. Khan Academy also offers video lessons on science, history, and computer science. No registration is required to watch the videos, but you will need to register if you want to use their online math practice.
e-Learning for Kids: This particular website contains information and lessons for kindergarten through sixth grade inclusively, in the following subject areas:
Language Arts
Environmental Skills
Life Skills
English as a second language