Dear Readers,
The time has come for those of us who live in darkness to be revealed in the light. For the proletariat, the bourgeoisie, and the gentry of the Nocturne to again engage in intercourse with our Diurnal brethren.
It is time for Vampires to step out of the night and into the daylight.
While no human government officially recognizes our existence, the populace knows of us. To deny our existence would be akin to ignoring the figurative elephant in the room. So we acknowledge that you know the truth, and we accept the truth.
This book is our attempt to disseminate the truth, our truth, to the world. A version of this handbook has existed for centuries, as a guide to new vampires first entering our world. Now the handbook can be a guide to new vampires, required reading to those who want to become a vampire, and a source to satisfy the curiosity of those who want to just know more.
May the stars light your path.
Kendal Efe Yarden
Historian for the Council of the Vampire Kings
